Legal Notice

Freudenberg e-Power Systems GmbH

Bayerwaldstrasse 3
81737 Munich, Germany


Commercial register

District Court of Munich, HRB 266894

Managing Directors

  • Dr. Kley, Max Gisbert
  • Dr. Kuiken, Jan
  • Dr. Runge, Karl Martin
  • Dr. Stefener, Manfred


VAT identification number



Freudenberg Fuel Cell e-Power Systems GmbH, Munich, Germany.

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We constantly check and update the content of this website. We cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, correctness and completeness of the published information, images and videos.

This also applies to the websites to which we refer with hyperlinks. Freudenberg Fuel Cell e-Power Systems GmbH is not responsible for the content of these websites.

Social Networks

We have our own presence on social media to present ourselves, provide information, get in touch with the respective users and communicate with them. Information on data protection can be found here.